Guantánamo Public Memory Project

This Week in Guantánamo: 2013 and 2003

May 7, 2013: In the midst of growing concern over the detention facilities established under the War on Terror, media outlets report the high financial costs of incarcerating a single inmate per year at Guantánamo. While it costs an average of $25,000 to incarcerate a person in a federal prison, it costs $904,000 to incarcerate a single inmate for one year at the complex in Cuba.

Volleyballs and Barbed Wire

An inmate wanders a recreation yard at Camp 6, Guantánamo. 2008. Courtesy JTF.


May 9, 2003: The detention facilities established to detain and interrogate suspected terrorists at Guantánamo hit their peak population, holding 680 inmates.


Creative: Picture Projects & Tronvig Group