This Week in Guantánamo: Present and Past
Philip Johnson |
July 19, 2013 |
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July 18, 2013: A federal appeals court reinstated the legal use of genital searches as a security precaution at GTMO. SOUTHCOM commander Marine General John Kelly explained the necessity of such searches by referring to the death of detainee Adnan Latif, who allegedly committed suicide after secretly stockpiling a lethal dose of medication. July 20,…
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National Dialogue and Traveling Exhibit
Philip Johnson |
December 26, 2012 |
1 Comment
Guantánamo is not exceptional. There has been enough scholarship-activism – enough debunking of myths and re-writing of histories – to make that abundantly clear. The history of the site is a history not of extraordinary, singular happenings, but of careful strategies. ‘Guantánamo’ could have been in Cuba or Haiti. Within Cuba it was selected from…
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